WCS 20th anniversary
This year's venues will be centered around the Oasis 21 complex, and include the Aichi Arts Center where the championship will be held, RAYARD Hisaya-odori Park and Fularie as cosplay photo shooting areas, and Osu Shopping Street as a cosplay promenade area.
During the event, there will be people who are not familiar with cosplay or the event, as well as general visitors (e.g., people passing by and using the facilities). In each of the facilities, please refrain from disturbing general visitors and people passing by, as they will be open for business as usual.
With the exception of the event stage and event areas, please follow the rules of each facility when using them. For those participating in cosplay and photography, please also check the joint terms of participation. By participating in the event, you are agreeing to the World Cosplay Summit's terms of participation, and allow us to take the appropriate corresponding action. We ask for your understanding and cooperation so that events that everyone can enjoy can continue to be held.